There is the story of a man, trying to clean the opening of a pit where human waste was tossed, who fell in. Of course, he fell headfirst, and when he broke the surface again, his mouth and nose were streaming with vile material. Using the back of his shirt sleeve, he cleaned his face, and considered his predicament. The walls of the pit, brick, were slick from the filth poured down them, and he lacked an immediate means of escape. He tried yelling for help, and after some time another man came and looked in.

How are you doing? the would-be rescuer asked.

Not bad, the man at the bottom of the pit of despair replied. I've been better. You?

The would-be rescuer began listing his miseries and misfortunes, and the man in need of help and rescue listened. When the would-be rescuer finished he asked again: How are you doing?

The man at the bottom of the filth pit said nothing for a moment and then offered: Having listened to you, I'm doing great.

In a way it goes to the much-appreciated Calvin and Hobbes you provided.

May 2021 be a good year for you and yours.


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James, that's not quite the story we love reading, but in illustrates our current predicament so well. Thank you for sharing. I have loved reading some of the stories on your subsatck too! https://iamcolorado.substack.com/ Here's wishing you much hope and fulfillment in the new year!

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